lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

I am the green !

Hola Corazones,

Espero que estéis tod@s bien, cuidando de vuestra salud, de vuestra familia, de vuestros seres queridos, de todos, porque vivimos unos tiempos difíciles de confinamiento, debido al Covid-19. Desgraciadamente, muchos se han marchado ya, y  muchos se marcharán en las próximas semanas, aunque, como dice mi hijo, todos los días se marchan miles de personas, porque les llegó su hora, por otras enfermedades,  por hambre, guerras, indiferencia, pasividad y olvido.  Éstos son momentos para reflexionar sobre la humanidad, ver cuáles han sido nuestros logros, nuestros sacrificios y nuestros errores. Refexionar sobre nuestros valores, nuestras prioridades, nuestro yo interior. Tal vez sea hora de aprender a cambiar nuestra forma de vida,  que nos permita evolucionar con menos egoïsmo y más sabiduría, para finalmente cuidar mejor de nuestro mundo, y cuidarnos más.💖💖

Hoy os traigo una página de Art journal, y con ella participo en el fabuloso reto que nos propone este mes  Eileen, de The Arful Crafter, para Art Journal Journey : " Green ". 
Igualmente, esta semana me tomo mi té con Bleubeard & Elizabeth,  de Altered Book Lover, y la fantástica pandilla del T-party, charlanda animadamente, como es habitual.
Os invito a visitar sus magníficos blogs, porque están llenos de belleza y os encantarán.
También quiero dar las gracias a mis últimos seguidores, Tanza Erlambang, y Yonosoymillenium,  muchas gracias por acompañarme !

I hope you are all fine,  taking care of your health, your family, your loved ones, everyone, because we are living through difficult times of confinemente, due to Covid-19. Unfortunately, many have already left, and many will leave in the coming weekes, although, as my son says, thousands of people leave every day,  because their time has come, due to other diseses, hunger, wars, indifference, passivity and forgetfulness. These are times to reflect on humanity, see what our achievements, our sacrifices and our mistakes have been. Reflect on our values, our riorities, our inner self. perhaps it is time to learn to change our way of life, that allows us to evolve with less egoism and more wisdom, to finally take better care of our worlkd, and take better care of ourselves.💖💖

Today I bring you an Art journal page,  and with it I participate in the fabulous challenge that Eileen,  from The Artful Crafter, offers us this month for Art Journal Journey : " Green ".
This week, I also have my tea with Bleubeard & Elizabeth, from Altered Book Lover,  and the fantastic gang of the T-day party, where we chat animatedly, as usual. Happy T-day !

I invite you to visit their magnificent blogs, because they are full of beauty and you will enjoy them.
I also want to thank my last followers, Tanza Erlambang, and yonosoymillenium, Thank you very much for joining me !

Blog de Eileen   :
Art Journal Journey  :
Blog de Bleubeard & Elizabeth :

He creado esta página pegando primero trocitos de papel como base, para dar más textura, y pintando luego con chalk paint verde, y acrílicas. Encima unos toques de glitter y unas figuritas que he recortado de una revista. He rodeado los muñecos con bolígrafos de glitter, y añadido trozos de papel crepon y el sentimiento con bolígrafo de gel con glitter sobre cartulina amarilla.
I have created this page gluying bits of paper to give more texture,  and then, painting with green chalk paint, and acrylics. On the top, there are some touches of glitter and some images, that I have cut from a magazine. I have surrounded the images with  glitter pens, and then, added bits of crepé paper. The sentiment with green glitter gel pen over yellow cardstock.

Me encanta el efecto del glitter.
Love the glitter  result.

 Mi café de

Ensalada de garbanzos con cebolla y pimientos del piquillo.
Chickpea salad with onions and piquillo peppers.

De mis paseos
From my walks

Tarta de queso con fresas
Cheese pie with strawberries

                                                           BE HAPPY  💞💞

                                           Y cuídense mucho !, Take care !

Muchas gracias por su visita y sus amables comentarios,
Feliz semana !
Thank you very much for your visit and your kind comments,
Happy Week !


37 comentarios:

  1. Oh this is such a FUN page Caty. I just love it. It made me smile and is certainly a masterpiece. Thanks so much for sharing it with us for Eileen's challenge at Art Journal Journey. And I wish you a very happy T day too. And most importantly, stay safe and wash your hands. Stay healthy please. Hugs-Erika

  2. Beautiful art, food, photos and a wonderful mug, so much fun! Thanks for sharing! We need things to make us smile just now. Stay safe, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Ohhh, how cute - are those "sorrow-eaters"? We could need them right now! Happy T-day

  4. Que página tan mona con esos muñequitos, me encantan todas las texturas que has hecho, una maravilla. Cuídate mucho, te mando todo mi cariño y a echarle paciencia al encierro que es lo que toca, entre todos vamos a salir de esto, un abrazo. María.

  5. Preciosa tu página y muy tierna. Te deseo todo lo mejor para este tiempo tan extraño en que estamos viviendo. Un abrazo.

  6. Tu pagina de art journal esta muy tierna y linda, gracias por compartir las fotos! Animo y que tu y tu familia esten bien!

  7. Your page is such a happy page and we need that right now. Lovely photos from your walk. Stay safe, take care, and Happy T Day

  8. Lovely creativity as always with a great design and colours. Stay safe and well in these turbulent times.

    B x

  9. Hola Caty!
    Me encanta las texturas y efectos que has creado para tu página de Artjournal, es chulísima!!
    Besos y a cuidarse y tener paciencia con la cuarentena.

  10. A lovely post Mia ans a really happy looking page with all the cute images, its a super texture background as well.
    Sorry I am late for tea but I send you happy wishes.
    Stay safe and well .
    Yvonne xx

  11. Absolutely darling page, Caty!

    Thank you for sharing it at Art Journal Journey for our green thme.

    Stay safe and well.

    Eileen xx

    1. I didn't notice that this was your T post too, Caty. Oops. I hope you had a lovely T day. Eileen xx

    2. Thank you very much Eileen !! biiig hugssss

  12. Que ternurita! que suerte que pese a este caos tu sigas con tu creatividad y fuerza! Cuidate mucho, te envío un fuerte abrazo y esperemos que muy pronto salga el sol!!

  13. Your journal page is just what is needed at this time, something pretty and happy to make us all smile. I love your little characters, they are so cute and especially the green one.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. That is a fun page with lots of happy faces! Just what we need!
    Thank you for taking me with you on your walk. Lovely photos.
    Take care, stay safe and keep smiling!

  15. What lovely post once again Caty! I love your fun page and the cup image you found, they are definitely making me smile. Love seeing the things you found on your walks too! Take Care, Belated Happy T Day, Hugs, Chrisx

  16. I love your journaling page - so fun. Love the "I am the green" - this so fun. Reminds me of one of my favorite characters on the Teen Titons cartoon - she speaks like that and is so fun. All your pictures are great too - TFS. I am going to try that chickpea salad - I love chickpeas and pimentos.

  17. I'm not sure you will even see this comment. It's so late because I have been offline off and on for over six days. Just when I think my internet is stable again, I get kicked off.

    I agree these are trying times. We have to accept that. I love, love, love your journal page. I love the adorable creatures, too. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, using Eileen's green theme.

    I'm also delighted you joined us for T this week, too. I love your green mug with the happy face. Sorry I was so late visiting.

  18. I do like your page …
    The Chickpea salad with onions and piquillo peppers looks good and I do like the green mug, what a great face on it …

    All the best Jan
