domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

Mon fils, mon ange !

Hola Corazones,

A lo largo del día de hoy, he estado pensando en cuánto podemos estar agradecidos diariamente, cada uno de nosotros. Unos son felices, otros menos, otros no lo son en absoluto, .... y ojalá pudiéramos ser plenamente felices todos,  claro sigo soñando, mucho me temo que eso es imposible. Al menos intentemos luchar para conseguir vivir mejor, que es lo que sueñan miles de personas cada día, miles de personas en todo el mundo, miles de personas que arriesgan su vida para ver cumplido su sueño, y, ojalá, lo puedan conseguir.
Esta página la he creado pensando en mi hijo, mi ángel, en cuánto lo quiero, y cómo me gustaría estar siempre a su lado. Yo estoy agradecida por tenerlo, y poder disfrutar de su compañía, de su bondad, de su sabiduría aún siendo joven, de su magnetismo, su integridad, sus sueños y sus ilusiones, de su alegría contagiosa, de su.... cada día. Es simplemente genuino!!
Y, como para mi es una bendición, participo en el tema tan hermoso que Elizabeth nos ha propuesto este mes en Art Journal Journey..... Count your blessings ( nos invita a contar nuestras bendiciones), por mi parte, os invito también a visitar su fantástico blog, lleno de maravillas.
Espero que os guste, besotillos.

blog de Elizabeth :
Art Journal Journey :

Es una página de una antigua agenda, en la que he pegado muchos trocitos de papeles diversos, de scrap, de embalar, de regalo, restos de papeles pintados con acrílicas, y washi tape, pétalos de flores de tela, flores de papel hechas en papel de acuarela, y glitter. He remarcado los bordes con rotuladores rojo y negro, y pintado y escrito aleatoriamente en la hoja.

Y mi ángel en el centro de la flor ! ♥

Muchas gracias por su visita y sus amables comentarios
Feliz tarde !


24 comentarios:

  1. How incredibly wonderful and sweet, Caty. There is nothing more blessed than family, and your son sound like the angel you created this page for. Children still have that magic look in their eyes. They still believe everything is possible. they see joy in life and all it entails. It's too bad they must grow up and lose all that childhood enthusiasm. It's even worse when adults shatter their dreams and hopes. I KNOW that will never happen as long as you are there to guide your son through life.

    This is a fabulous mixed media entry, and I adore that the angel is the first thing you see when you look at this journal entry. Thanks so very much for joining me again with my theme at Art Journal Journey. I am as blessed as you, dear Caty.

    1. Thank you very much Elizabeth! Thank you very much for your so kind comments, which I appreciate very much. You're welcome, it's a pleasure for me to join you at AJJ, with your magnificent theme. And it is also true that children are the most beautiful thing in the world, they are our treasures for life. Our love, our advices and our love will always guide them, they are the future.
      I wish you a very nice day, big hugsss my friend, Caty

  2. I don't know how this got misinterpreted, but that should read "I know that won't happen as long as YOU are there to guide your son through life."

    1. Thank you very much Elizabeth, I understand it perfectly, yes, always by him. hugsssss

  3. Respuestas
    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth, yes we may guide our children because life is not always as easy as we would like to. My son will go to New York, in total 5, at the end of October, and they will visit NY for several days. They already have everything programmed, they will visit many places, and all 5 are excited about that trip. Life must be enjoyed !!

  4. An amazing Mixed Media page to show your LOVE of a mother! I have prepaired a similar post for later this month as I also feel so blessed with my daughter.
    I love all the fantastic details you added dear Caty!
    Simply WONDERFUL and wow we are so happy to see this page is linked with Art Journal Journey! So much appreciated my friend!
    Big hugs

    1. Thank you very much Susi! you're welcome Thanks so much for your kind comments, very appreciated. Yes, our children are a blessing, and I look forward to seeing your next page.
      I wish you a very nice afternoon, abrazoss

  5. A wonderful page, your love for your son in the words you wrote is indeed a blessing that I can relate to. I have two sons and I love them dearly.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thank you very much Yvonne !! I ´m so glad you like it. Yes, your sons are your treasures, don ´t mind their age, our treasures for ever.
      I wsih you a very nice afternoon, hugss

  6. Our Children really are the most magnificent of blessings. Delightful mixed media journal page.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

    1. Thank you very much Tracey !! I ´m so happy you like it. I wish you a very nice afternoon, hugss

  7. Respuestas
    1. Muchas gracias Dezazu !! Me alegro mucho de que te guste, un abrazooo

  8. Such a beautiful mixed media page and wonderful post dear Caty.
    Gill x

    1. Thank you very much Gill !! I´m so happy you like it. I wish you a very nice day, hugss

  9. That is a gorgeous page Caty. I love the pop of those orange flowers, and all the images are really unexpected too. You are correct, everyone would like to be happy. I don't think some people ever think they are though, which is sad. This is a wonderfully inspiring post. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you very much Erika !! I ´m so happy you like it.Yes, you ´re right, everyone may be happy. I wish you a very nice day, hugss

  10. Hi Caty 😀. What a fabulous page and your post is so inspiring! I love your collage elements and the little angel is perfect, it's such a beautiful tribute to your son - fantastico! Wishing you a happy new week! J 😊 x

    1. Thank you very much Jo !!I´m so glad you like it. >I wish you a very nice week, hugsss

  11. A truly beautiful page that shows the meaning so well! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thank you very much Chris !! I ´m so happy you like it, very nice evening, hugss

  12. Tu ángel es lo primero que he visto al mirar tu trabajo, Caty. Es realmente preciosa esa página y el toque de la palabra "contigo" lo personaliza mucho.

    1. Muchas gracias María Pilar !! qué alegría que te guste, sí, mi ángel.... lo es todo! Muy feliz tarde amiga, besotilloss
